Monday, January 26, 2009


I suppose everyone feels like this now days: how bad are things going to get? I guess nothing is really bad at the moment, but it seems like I am just waiting for the ball to drop. I mean I am thinking about school - like I said in my last post, but where is that going to lead? Into more debt? I want to be led by the Lord NOT by my bank account. But I do have to consider if the Lord waits another 20 to 40 years to return how am I going to live on this earth. We may live for another kingdom but we still have to live responsibly on the earth today.

1 comment:

em said...

Hi Suz, It's great to see you writing again. I only wish I had checked you'd know I was 'out-there' somewhere. :) I've neglected my blog so desperately since moving to Portland... sure, I'm busy, but still, it's a wonderful lil outlet... only now I feel like I have so much to back log that I'm nearly paralyzed. Ugh! Funny how that works.