Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I guess I should update this every once in awhile

I have now been in nursing school for about 10 months, only 14 months to go.

This semester has been full, but not as difficult as I imagined. Our DON tries her best to make nursing school a miserable experience, but the rest of the faculty I was blessed to have this semester has done the opposite.

Today I have been working on a project that is due next week. I have known about it all semester but as there were many other things due before it, I have not worked on it at all before now. It is called the pediatric play project and I have to come up with a toy, game or activity for toddlers. (Along with that I have to report on function of play, characteristics of play, effects of hospitalization on toddlers.)

I have probably spent more time than necessary on preparing for this (and I have not picked out my toy yet), but I have learned a lot in the process.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So now I am living in Dallas with my folks, taking a speech course at Dallas County Community College and waiting to take my Texas Certified Nursing Assistant licensing exam on October 7. I have no doubt about passing the written test but I have some apprehension about the skills portion, which must be passed first. You would think it would be easy but there are so many things that can trip you up. Hopefully after the test I will be working in a nursing home that encourages more education (it is the one we did our clinicals in).